Cool Videos
![Birds Can Drive? [w/video]](
Birds Can Drive? [w/video]
Andrew Gray, an electrical and computer engineering student at the University of Florida, demonstrates the computer-operated cart he made for his pet parrot. Complete with a four-direction joy stick, infrared sensors to prevent collisions, and bump sensors that automatically reverse the cart if it does hit something, this video is a fun and example of real-life application of STEM-related concepts.
Birds Can Drive? [w/video]
Andrew Gray, an electrical and computer engineering student at the University of Florida, demonstrates the computer-operated cart he made for his pet parrot. Complete with a four-direction joy stick, infrared sensors to prevent collisions, and bump sensors that automatically reverse the cart if it does hit something, this video is a fun and example of real-life application of STEM-related concepts.

Newspaper Radiation!
Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy using electromagnetic waves, which includes visible light, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, x-rays and microwaves and radio waves. A camera flash is designed to give off a whole lot of visible light in a short amount of time. The black ink in the newspaper absorbs this radiation and increases in temperature, while the blank paper reflects the light and does not warm up nearly as much. Let us know in the comments below if you think this demo is something you would use in your classroom. This video was produced by The Little Shop of Physics at Colorado State University in partnership with GE.
Newspaper Radiation!
Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy using electromagnetic waves, which includes visible light, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, x-rays and microwaves and radio waves. A camera flash is designed to give off a whole lot of visible light in a short amount of time. The black ink in the newspaper absorbs this radiation and increases in temperature, while the blank paper reflects the light and does not warm up nearly as much. Let us know in the comments below if you think this demo is something you would use in your classroom. This video was produced by The Little Shop of Physics at Colorado State University in partnership with GE.

DIY: Erasing With Heat
The thermochromic ink used in erasable pens has a unique quality; it changes color with temperature. The molecules in the ink are oriented in layers, and when light passes through, the wavelength with the greatest constructive interference is reflected back. When applying heat in excess of 140℉ to the ink, the color changes form dark (black) to light (clear – appears to disappear). The change in temperature changes the spacing between the layers of molecules in the ink which changes the reflected wavelength leading to different colors. When the ink is cooled (such as through the evaporation of a liquid), the ink becomes dark again. This type of material is called thermochromic, because the colors change based on temperature. With this ink, you can erase and re-write messages over and over again! NOTE: Please pay attention to the safety concerns expressed in the video when using as a demo. Let us know in the comments below if you think this demo is something you would use in your classroom. This video was produced by The Little Shop of Physics at Colorado State University in partnership with GE.
DIY: Erasing With Heat
The thermochromic ink used in erasable pens has a unique quality; it changes color with temperature. The molecules in the ink are oriented in layers, and when light passes through, the wavelength with the greatest constructive interference is reflected back. When applying heat in excess of 140℉ to the ink, the color changes form dark (black) to light (clear – appears to disappear). The change in temperature changes the spacing between the layers of molecules in the ink which changes the reflected wavelength leading to different colors. When the ink is cooled (such as through the evaporation of a liquid), the ink becomes dark again. This type of material is called thermochromic, because the colors change based on temperature. With this ink, you can erase and re-write messages over and over again! NOTE: Please pay attention to the safety concerns expressed in the video when using as a demo. Let us know in the comments below if you think this demo is something you would use in your classroom. This video was produced by The Little Shop of Physics at Colorado State University in partnership with GE.

DIY: Baby Plasma Cutter
Pencil lead and some batteries make a small plasma cutter that is used to etch a pattern in aluminum foil. In this simple but cool demo, you are able to observe how a high velocity ionized gas (plasma) conducts electricity across a small gap between the tip of the pencil lead (graphite) and a conductive solid (aluminum foil). When electric current is applied, the carbon atoms in the graphite vaporize and ionize creating a small ball of plasma that heats and melts the aluminum foil.Let us know if you think this demo is something you would use in your classroom. See comments below!!!This video was produced by The Little Shop of Physics at Colorado State University in partnership with GE.
DIY: Baby Plasma Cutter
Pencil lead and some batteries make a small plasma cutter that is used to etch a pattern in aluminum foil. In this simple but cool demo, you are able to observe how a high velocity ionized gas (plasma) conducts electricity across a small gap between the tip of the pencil lead (graphite) and a conductive solid (aluminum foil). When electric current is applied, the carbon atoms in the graphite vaporize and ionize creating a small ball of plasma that heats and melts the aluminum foil.Let us know if you think this demo is something you would use in your classroom. See comments below!!!This video was produced by The Little Shop of Physics at Colorado State University in partnership with GE.
![Giant Bowling Ball Pendulum Wave [W/Video]](
Giant Bowling Ball Pendulum Wave [W/Video]
We found this great big pendulum wave made with 15 bowling balls by Maria Ikenberry. Featured Products
Giant Bowling Ball Pendulum Wave [W/Video]
We found this great big pendulum wave made with 15 bowling balls by Maria Ikenberry. Featured Products

Newton's Eye Poke Experiment
Repeat a classic experiment from the master himself, Isaac Newton. In 1666 Newton first performed the Eye Poke experiment, writing about it much later in his book OPTICKS. He used this experiment to support his theory that light was composed of particles. But today we will use it to demonstrate that our eye is indeed seeing INVERTED IMAGES. Newton's Eye Poke Experiment proves how we see upside down due to the nature of our eye's convex lens. This video was performed by Anna Spitz, and was written and directed by James Lincoln, as part of the AAPT Films series. James Lincoln Tarbut V' Torah High SchoolIrvine, CA, USA James Lincoln teaches Physics in Southern California and has won several science video contests and worked on various projects in the past few years. James has consulted on TV's "The Big Bang Theory" and WebTV's "This vs. That" and the UCLA Physics Video Project.
Newton's Eye Poke Experiment
Repeat a classic experiment from the master himself, Isaac Newton. In 1666 Newton first performed the Eye Poke experiment, writing about it much later in his book OPTICKS. He used this experiment to support his theory that light was composed of particles. But today we will use it to demonstrate that our eye is indeed seeing INVERTED IMAGES. Newton's Eye Poke Experiment proves how we see upside down due to the nature of our eye's convex lens. This video was performed by Anna Spitz, and was written and directed by James Lincoln, as part of the AAPT Films series. James Lincoln Tarbut V' Torah High SchoolIrvine, CA, USA James Lincoln teaches Physics in Southern California and has won several science video contests and worked on various projects in the past few years. James has consulted on TV's "The Big Bang Theory" and WebTV's "This vs. That" and the UCLA Physics Video Project.

Levitating Superconductor on a Möbius strip
We found this great video by The Royal Institution using a track made from over two-thousand neodymium magnets and a superconductive disk for the ultimate slot car toy for grownups. The Möbius strip style of the track allows the disk to travel right side-up and upside down with each lap showing that the disk works in any orientation. Tell us what you think in the comments below! Featured Products
Levitating Superconductor on a Möbius strip
We found this great video by The Royal Institution using a track made from over two-thousand neodymium magnets and a superconductive disk for the ultimate slot car toy for grownups. The Möbius strip style of the track allows the disk to travel right side-up and upside down with each lap showing that the disk works in any orientation. Tell us what you think in the comments below! Featured Products
Teaching About Inclines
As part of the AAPT Films Series, James Lincoln explains the theory and laboratory techniques involved in the teaching of inclines.
Teaching About Inclines
As part of the AAPT Films Series, James Lincoln explains the theory and laboratory techniques involved in the teaching of inclines.

Toy Box Physics: smoke rings, mushroom clouds and vortexes
This was the winning entry for the Toy Box Physics Contest by James Lincoln. He describes how vortices / vortexes are made and shows how to make them. He also shows when they occur in nature, including the mushroom cloud, dolphins and an air cannon. Featured Products James Lincoln Tarbut V' Torah High School Irvine, CA, USA James Lincoln teaches Physics in Southern California and has won several science video contests and worked on various projects in the past few years. James has consulted on TV's "The Big Bang Theory" and WebTV's "This vs. That" and the UCLA Physics Video Project. Contact:
Toy Box Physics: smoke rings, mushroom clouds and vortexes
This was the winning entry for the Toy Box Physics Contest by James Lincoln. He describes how vortices / vortexes are made and shows how to make them. He also shows when they occur in nature, including the mushroom cloud, dolphins and an air cannon. Featured Products James Lincoln Tarbut V' Torah High School Irvine, CA, USA James Lincoln teaches Physics in Southern California and has won several science video contests and worked on various projects in the past few years. James has consulted on TV's "The Big Bang Theory" and WebTV's "This vs. That" and the UCLA Physics Video Project. Contact:

10 Shocking Tricks with the Plasma Globe!
Plasma is the fourth state of matter and the most common state. A very large voltage is created by a Tesla coil-like circuit and this creates a high electric field between the central electrode and the inner glass. The Field is strong enough to ionize the gases in the ball. Featured Products James Lincoln Tarbut V' Torah High SchoolIrvine, CA, USA James Lincoln teaches Physics in Southern California and has won several science video contests and worked on various projects in the past few years. James has consulted on TV's "The Big Bang Theory" and WebTV's "This vs. That" and the UCLA Physics Video Project. Contact:
10 Shocking Tricks with the Plasma Globe!
Plasma is the fourth state of matter and the most common state. A very large voltage is created by a Tesla coil-like circuit and this creates a high electric field between the central electrode and the inner glass. The Field is strong enough to ionize the gases in the ball. Featured Products James Lincoln Tarbut V' Torah High SchoolIrvine, CA, USA James Lincoln teaches Physics in Southern California and has won several science video contests and worked on various projects in the past few years. James has consulted on TV's "The Big Bang Theory" and WebTV's "This vs. That" and the UCLA Physics Video Project. Contact:

What Does Sound Look Like?
Fascinating look at the visualization of sound waves with an innovative technique called Schlieren flow visualization. See for yourself!
What Does Sound Look Like?
Fascinating look at the visualization of sound waves with an innovative technique called Schlieren flow visualization. See for yourself!

Double your car remote key fob range with Physics!
The crazy but simple way to double your car remote key fob range with Physics! Just use your head!
Double your car remote key fob range with Physics!
The crazy but simple way to double your car remote key fob range with Physics! Just use your head!

The Frictional Force Between Two Interleaved Phone Books
Students often underestimate the force of friction, despite the fact that friction is the force that acts every day to bring their school buses and cars to a stop. In this video, two phone books are interwoven page- by-page and the friction between the thin sheets of paper is put to the ultimate test – can the frictional force between two interleaved phone books be pulled apart by two military tanks? Watch the video below to see what happens.
The Frictional Force Between Two Interleaved Phone Books
Students often underestimate the force of friction, despite the fact that friction is the force that acts every day to bring their school buses and cars to a stop. In this video, two phone books are interwoven page- by-page and the friction between the thin sheets of paper is put to the ultimate test – can the frictional force between two interleaved phone books be pulled apart by two military tanks? Watch the video below to see what happens.

Tesla’s Million Volt Revenge
On October 8th, 2012, magician David Blaine performed a seemingly life-threatening stunt subjecting himself to a whopping one million volts of electricity while wearing a 20-pound chain metal suit. The public was shocked by the performance, a demonstration that seems to defy the basic laws of science. However, an understanding of the laws of electricity will show that Blaine was not working against these basic principles, but was using them in order to perform his trick successfully! In the video of Blaine's performance shown above, the magician is wearing a Faraday Cage – a type of suit made of a conductive material invented in 1836 by English scientist, Michael Faraday. The suit functions as a shield that blocks external static and non-static electric fields which causes the electric charges within the Cage's conductive material to redistribute themselves and thus cancel the field's effects in the cage interior. This same phenomenon explains why one is safe from lightning storms and other external electric fields while driving a car (not the rubber tires, despite what Grandma may have told you!) So while Blaine's performance looks pretty dangerous, his Faraday Cage (which, theoretically, has no voltage limit) prevents the electric current from reaching his body, making it not quite the superhuman feat it appears. Nevertheless, showing this video to your physics classes will have even the bravest students on the edge of their seats – until you explain the principles behind it! Other common uses for a Faraday cage include: Your microwave oven & its door preventing the Radio Frequencies/Energy within the oven from leaking out. Elevators simulate a Faraday cage effect, leading to a loss of signal and "dead zones" for users of cellular phones & radios which require electromagnetic external signals. The shielding inside of coaxial television cable wire & USB cables protect the internal conductors from external electrical noise and prevents the RF signals from leaking out. Plastic bags impregnated with metal are included with highway electronic toll collection devices which are to allow motorists to place them in the bag so that a toll charge is not registered or a device will not register a charge while being shipped to a customer's home after ordering in a delivery truck. Even MRI machine scan rooms are designed as Faraday cages to prevent external radio frequency signals from being added to data collected from the patient, which would affect the resulting image. Shopping bags lined with aluminum foil have even been found by police in arresting shoplifters who steal RF-tagged items; the bags acting as Faraday cages.
Tesla’s Million Volt Revenge
On October 8th, 2012, magician David Blaine performed a seemingly life-threatening stunt subjecting himself to a whopping one million volts of electricity while wearing a 20-pound chain metal suit. The public was shocked by the performance, a demonstration that seems to defy the basic laws of science. However, an understanding of the laws of electricity will show that Blaine was not working against these basic principles, but was using them in order to perform his trick successfully! In the video of Blaine's performance shown above, the magician is wearing a Faraday Cage – a type of suit made of a conductive material invented in 1836 by English scientist, Michael Faraday. The suit functions as a shield that blocks external static and non-static electric fields which causes the electric charges within the Cage's conductive material to redistribute themselves and thus cancel the field's effects in the cage interior. This same phenomenon explains why one is safe from lightning storms and other external electric fields while driving a car (not the rubber tires, despite what Grandma may have told you!) So while Blaine's performance looks pretty dangerous, his Faraday Cage (which, theoretically, has no voltage limit) prevents the electric current from reaching his body, making it not quite the superhuman feat it appears. Nevertheless, showing this video to your physics classes will have even the bravest students on the edge of their seats – until you explain the principles behind it! Other common uses for a Faraday cage include: Your microwave oven & its door preventing the Radio Frequencies/Energy within the oven from leaking out. Elevators simulate a Faraday cage effect, leading to a loss of signal and "dead zones" for users of cellular phones & radios which require electromagnetic external signals. The shielding inside of coaxial television cable wire & USB cables protect the internal conductors from external electrical noise and prevents the RF signals from leaking out. Plastic bags impregnated with metal are included with highway electronic toll collection devices which are to allow motorists to place them in the bag so that a toll charge is not registered or a device will not register a charge while being shipped to a customer's home after ordering in a delivery truck. Even MRI machine scan rooms are designed as Faraday cages to prevent external radio frequency signals from being added to data collected from the patient, which would affect the resulting image. Shopping bags lined with aluminum foil have even been found by police in arresting shoplifters who steal RF-tagged items; the bags acting as Faraday cages.

Practical Use of an Inertial Balance
This is the practical use of an Inertial Balance. It is of a "historic nature" but very cool in showing kids just how the balance is and has been used on the Space Shuttle, ISS and back when "SkyLab" orbited back in the 70's. You can see Arbor's Inertial Balance in use too.
Practical Use of an Inertial Balance
This is the practical use of an Inertial Balance. It is of a "historic nature" but very cool in showing kids just how the balance is and has been used on the Space Shuttle, ISS and back when "SkyLab" orbited back in the 70's. You can see Arbor's Inertial Balance in use too.