Education Center

Introducing Energy with the Learning Cycle
The Learning Cycle is a three phase approach to science instruction developed by Atkin and Karplus in 1962. In this post, dive into some of the aspects of the Concept Development stage.
Introducing Energy with the Learning Cycle
The Learning Cycle is a three phase approach to science instruction developed by Atkin and Karplus in 1962. In this post, dive into some of the aspects of the Concept Development stage.

Hands On Science Activities Part 3
In this last post for our hands-on activities, we cover five additional activities to try in your classroom: Pop-Can Calorimeter, Pendulum, Generators and Motors, Watts Up?, and Sugar and Strength.
Hands On Science Activities Part 3
In this last post for our hands-on activities, we cover five additional activities to try in your classroom: Pop-Can Calorimeter, Pendulum, Generators and Motors, Watts Up?, and Sugar and Strength.

Hands on Science Activities Part 2
In the second installment of this series we cover six new activities and address topics on acceleration, mass, gravity, light, and energy.
Hands on Science Activities Part 2
In the second installment of this series we cover six new activities and address topics on acceleration, mass, gravity, light, and energy.

Hands On Science Activities Part 1
Embark on the first of three CoolStuff posts where we offer demo ideas that can take learning away from the books and into your student's own hands.
Hands On Science Activities Part 1
Embark on the first of three CoolStuff posts where we offer demo ideas that can take learning away from the books and into your student's own hands.